Standard Training Guide V1.0

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pull up outside.jpg

Standard Training Guide V1.0

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This is Standard Training Guide comes with an outline of some of our methodology, 13 workouts we have used to work with our clients, as well as guidance on how to set up your own program.

Though foundational in nature, the training protocols outlined in this guide build the strength required to begin mastering more complex moves such as muscle-ups, single arm push-ups, front and back levers. They also deliver the physical changes and develop the look that is common among gymnasts and fighters.

The Standard Training Guide Includes:

  • An easy to understand overview of our training philosophy and methodology

  • Overview of the movements that will be used to create your training foundation

  • 13 sample workouts that range in difficulty and complexity

  • Guidance on how to develop a training schedule that fits your lifestyle

The guide is primarily targeted towards men and assumes some baseline experience when it comes to physical training.